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Chamgadar Ka Chamatkar: Music Video

This project was a part of an academic project, the brief asked us to create a song from scratch for the theme "covid and us" and it asked us to do complete catharsis. We created the song as a class and then moved onto storyboarding and animating our particular sections. Right below are my parts from the video, following which is the full compiled version

Project Type: Academic project, Animation

Mentors: Shaaz Ahmed

Duration: 3 weeks

Chamgadar Ka Chamatkar: Compiled Version

Final Video




We began with writing song lyrics and moved onto learning how to rap with Paigambar who is a professional rapper and Sauranav, my batchmat. Rapping is difficult. Post making the song, I moved onto pitching ideas for my section and storyboarding the same. Post the storyboarding, I made animatics to figure out the sound and visuals together, took feedback and created the animations

Learning: Team spirit is essential for animation, we initially struggled as a group to find this spirit but once we did, we found the right momentum for this project. I could have incorporated camera movement in my sections of the animation.

sketches 4.jpeg

Snippets of my sketchbook

Screenshot 2023-01-04 195548.jpg

An army of Tarikas

Screenshot 2023-01-04 195607.jpg

An army of Tarikas


Storyboards for my section of the video

Line Animation

Line Animation

Line Animation


Tarika's work put together with a whole lot of heart

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