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Chamgadar Ka Chamatkar: Music Video
This project was a part of an academic project, the brief asked us to create a song from scratch for the theme "covid and us" and it asked us to do complete catharsis. We created the song as a class and then moved onto storyboarding and animating our particular sections. Right below are my parts from the video, following which is the full compiled version
Project Type: Academic project, Animation
Mentors: Shaaz Ahmed
Duration: 3 weeks
Chamgadar Ka Chamatkar: Compiled Version
Final Video
We began with writing song lyrics and moved onto learning how to rap with Paigambar who is a professional rapper and Sauranav, my batchmat. Rapping is difficult. Post making the song, I moved onto pitching ideas for my section and storyboarding the same. Post the storyboarding, I made animatics to figure out the sound and visuals together, took feedback and created the animations
Learning: Team spirit is essential for animation, we initially struggled as a group to find this spirit but once we did, we found the right momentum for this project. I could have incorporated camera movement in my sections of the animation.

Snippets of my sketchbook

An army of Tarikas

An army of Tarikas

Storyboards for my section of the video
Line Animation
Line Animation
Line Animation
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